The Ultimate Guide to entertainment

In the 1940s, radio was the electronic medium for family entertainment and information.[186][187][188] In the 1950s, it was television that was the new medium and it rapidly became global, bringing visual entertainment, first in black and white, then in colour, to the world.[189] By the 1970s, games could be played electronically, then hand-held devices provided mobile entertainment, and by the last decade of the 20th century, via networked play. In combination with products from the entertainment industry, all the traditional forms of entertainment became available personally. People could not only select an entertainment product such as a piece of music, film or game, they could choose the time and place to use it. The "proliferation of portable media players and the emphasis on the computer as a sitio for film consumption" together have significantly changed how audiences encounter films.[190] One of the most notable consequences of the rise of electronic entertainment has been the rapid obsolescence of the various recording and storage methods. As an example of speed of change driven by electronic media, over the course of one generation, television as a medium for receiving standardised entertainment products went from unknown, to novel, to ubiquitous and finally to superseded.

The stage and the spaces set out in front of it for an audience create a theatre. All types of stage are used with all types of seating for the audience, including the impromptu or improvised; the temporary; the elaborate; or the traditional and permanent. They are erected indoors or outdoors.

Since it combines many forms of entertainment – music, movement, storytelling, theatre – it provides a good example of the various ways that these forms can be combined to create entertainment for different purposes and audiences.

Excellent classical-music concerts are staged several times a week at the Louvre Auditorium (off the main entrance hall). Don't miss the Thursday…

The quarter's old covered market with gorgeous art nouveau ironwork has been transformed into a striking cultural centre and entertainment venue. The…

[190] Globalisation and cultural imperialism are two of the cultural consequences of convergence.[202] Others include fandom and interactive storytelling as well as the way that single franchises are distributed through and affect a range of delivery methods.[203] The "greater diversity in the ways 九游娱乐 that signals may be received and packaged for the viewer, via terrestrial, satellite or cable television, and of course, via the Net" also affects entertainment venues, such as sports stadia, which now need to be designed so that both live and remote audiences can interact in increasingly sophisticated ways – for example, audiences can "watch highlights, call up statistics", "order tickets and merchandise" and generally "tap into the stadium's resources at any time of the day or night".[182]

For example, while some cultures regard any dancing by women as "the most shameful form of entertainment",[132] other cultures have established venues such as strip clubs where deliberately erotic or sexually provocative dances such as striptease are performed in public by professional women dancers for mostly male audiences.

Changes to what is regarded as entertainment can occur in response to cultural or historical shifts. Hunting wild animals, for example, was introduced into the Roman Empire from Carthage and became a popular public entertainment and spectacle, supporting an international trade in wild animals.[21]

The familiar forms of entertainment have the capacity to cross over into different media and have demonstrated a seemingly unlimited potential for creative remix. This has ensured the continuity and longevity of many themes, images, and structures.

” In “Trap,” Hartnett plays a father with a secret who takes his daughter to a pop concert — which is surrounded by police searching for a serial killer.

Psychologists say the function of media entertainment is "the attainment of gratification".[6] No other results or measurable benefits are usually expected from it (except perhaps the final score in a sporting entertainment). This is in contrast to education (which is designed with the purpose of developing understanding or helping people to learn) and marketing (which aims to encourage people to purchase commercial products).

For example, some audiences expect to listen silently and are entertained by the excellence of the music, its rendition or its interpretation.[68] Other audiences of live performances are entertained by the ambience and the chance to participate. Even more listeners are entertained by pre-recorded music and listen privately.

Ralph Hedley The Tournament (1898) Children adapting a courtly entertainment Imperial and royal courts have provided training grounds and support for professional entertainers, with different cultures using palaces, castles and forts in different ways. In the Maya city states, for example, "spectacles often took place in large plazas in front of palaces; the crowds gathered either there or in designated places from which they could watch at a distance.

Audience engagement by individual South African fans at the 2010 FIFA World Cup Sporting competitions have always provided entertainment for crowds. To distinguish the players from the audience, the latter are often known as spectators. Developments in stadium and auditorium design, as well as in recording and broadcast technology, have allowed off-sitio spectators to watch sport, with the result that the size of the audience has grown ever larger and spectator sport has become increasingly popular.

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